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Davide De Lucrezia
CEO Explora Biotech srl Italy

Albert Jeltsch
University of Stuttgart Germany

Erchin Serpedin
Texas A&M University USA

Martin Falk
Institute of Biophysics of CAS Czech Republic

Betty Lee
US Department of Commerce USA

Maria Antonietta Ragusa
University of Palermo Italy

Ralf Takors
University Stuttgart Germany

Yaman Arkun
KOC University Turkey
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Systems and Synthetic Biology 2018
About Conference
Conferenceseries Ltd International Conferences invites all the participants from all over the world to attend "4th International Conference on Synthetic Biology and Tissue Engineering" during June 11-12, 2018 at Rome, Italy, which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions.
Tissue engineering is aimed mainly at producing anatomically and physiologically realistic replacements for normal human tissues. It is done either by encouraging cellular colonization of manufactured matrices or cellular recolonization of decellularized natural extracellular matrices from donor organs, or by allowing cells to self-organize into organs as they do during fetal life. For repair of normal bodies, this will be adequate but there are reasons for making unusual, non-evolved tissues (repair of unusual bodies, interface to electromechanical prostheses, and incorporating living cells into life-support machines).
Synthetic biology is aimed mainly at engineering cells so that they can perform custom functions: applying synthetic biological approaches to tissue engineering may be one way of engineering custom structures. The embryological cycle of patterning, differentiation and morphogenesis and review progress that has been made in constructing synthetic biological systems to reproduce these processes in new ways. The state-of-the-art remains a long way from making truly synthetic tissues, but there are now at least foundations for future work. Scientifically, the success of these endeavors is the ultimate proof that we know enough about cellular signaling pathways to harness them for our purposes. From a practical standpoint, targeted regulation of cell signaling paves the way to real cures of many disorders, genetic and acquired, where before we could only manage the symptoms using small molecules.
Synthetic Biology and Tissue Engineering 2018 has the goal to fulfill the prevailing gaps in the transformation of this science of hope, to serve promptly with solutions to all in the need. International Conference on Synthetic Biology and Tissue Engineering 2018 will have an anticipated participation of 150+ delegates across the world to discuss the conference goal.
About Organizers
Conferenceseries Ltd International is one of the leading Open Access publishers and organizers of international scientific conferences and events every year across USA, Europe & Asia Conferenceseries Ltd has so far organized 300+ International Conferences across the World with 500+ peer-reviewed open access journals in basic science, health, and technology. Conferenceseries Ltd International is also in association with more than 1000 International scientific and technological societies and associations and a team of 30,000 eminent scholars, reputed scientists as editorial board members.
Scientific Sessions:
Synthetic Biology and Tissue Engineering 2018 to describe the use of engineered tissues to form biological systems with metazoan-like complexity. The increasing maturity of tissue engineering is beginning to render this goal attainable. As in other synthetic biology approaches, the perspective is bottom-up; here, the premise is that complex functional phenotypes (on par with those in whole metazoan organisms) can be affected by engineering biology at the tissue level. To be successful, current efforts to understand and engineer multicellular systems must continue, and new efforts to integrate different tissues into a coherent structure will need to emerge. The fruits of this research may include improved understanding of how tissue systems can be integrated, as well as useful biomedical technologies not traditionally considered in tissue engineering, such as autonomous devices, sensors, and manufacturing.
Synthetic Biology and Tissue Engineering 2018 will be a great platform for research scientists and young researchers to share their current findings in this field of applied science. The major scientific sessions in Synthetic Biology and Tissue Engineering 2018 will focus on the latest and exciting innovations in prominent areas of Systems biology and Synthetic biology research.
Sessions or Tracks
Conferences Series LLC LTD invites all the participants from all over the world to attend 4th International Conference on Synthetic Biology and Tissue Engineering October 18-19, 2018 Rome, Italy which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions.
Track 1: Systems Biology
Systems Biology is the computational and Mathematical demonstrating of complex biological systems. It is a science based interdisciplinary field of concentrate that spotlights on complex connections inside biological systems, utilizing an all-encompassing methodology (comprehensive quality rather than the more customary reductionism) to biological research. Systems Biology, the investigation of the cooperations and conduct of the segments of biological elements, including particles, cells, organs, and organisms. Systems Biology concentrated on mammalian cells, their constituents and their capacities. Biology is moving from molecular to modular. As our insight into our genome and quality articulation extends and we create arrangements of molecules (proteins, lipids, ions) engaged with cellular processes, we have to see how these molecules connect with each other to frame modules that act as discrete functional systems.
Related Tissue Engineering Conferences | Systems Biology Conferences | Synthetic Biology Conferences | Cell Biology Conferences | Biology Conferences
4th Advances in Biotechnology Conferences, November 15-17, 2018 Frankfurt, Germany; 9th Stem Cell Conferences , 9th Regenerative Medicine Conferences Oct 08-09, 2018 Berlin, Germany; 7th Tissue Engineering Conferences , 7th Regenerative Medicine Conferences October 18-20, 2018 Barcelona, Spain; 9th Advanced Cell Conferences, 9th Advanced Gene Therapy Conferences March 21-23, 2019 Rome, Italy; 11th Tissue Engineering Conferences, 11th Regenerative Medicine Conferences October 18-20, 2018 Rome, Italy; 4th Advances in Biotechnology Conferences, 4th Advances in Bioscience Conferences Nov 15-17, 2018 Frankfurt, Germany;10th Stem cell Conferences, 10th Regenerative Medicine Conferences Oct 18-19, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland; 47th Microbiology Conferences September 10-11, 2018 London, UK; 9th Clinical Microbiology Conferences October 08-09, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland; 11th Immunology Conferences, 11th Immunotechnology Conferences September 13-14, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland;12th Allergy, Asthma Conferences, 12th Immunology Conferences October 01-02, 2018 Moscow, Russia.
Related Associations and Societies:
Synthetic Biology Industry Association, UCSF Center for Systems and Synthetic Biology, European association of synthetic biology, SynBio Society - Edinburgh University Students' Association, SBE- Society for Biological Engineering – AIChE, SynBioWatch- Civil Society Perspectives on Synthetic Biology, UK Bio industry Associations.
The Canadian Society for Systems Biology, The International Association Synthetic Biology (IASB), Synthetic Biology Engineering Research Center, University of Minnesota Synthetic Biology Society, New York synthetic biology association – GuideStar, The Biomass Systems and Synthetic Biology Center, FAPESP, Brazil
Synthetic Biology Australasia (SBA) society, Society for Systems Biology and Translational Research, The Society for Molecular Biology & Evolution, The Society for Molecular Biology & Evolution, Systems Biology , National Brain Tumor Society, CU Synthetic Biology Society — Dyson Centre for Engineering Design, Association of Asian Societies For Bioinformatics
Track 2: Synthetic Biology
Synthetic Biology is the convergence of advances in chemistry, biology, computer science, and engineering that enables us to go from idea to product faster, cheaper, and with greater precision than ever before. It can be thought of as a biology-based “toolkit” that uses abstraction, standardization, and automated construction to change how we build biological systems and expand the range of possible products. A community of experts across many disciplines is coming together to create these new foundations for many industries, including medicine, energy and the environment.
Related: Biomaterials Conferences | Systems Biology Conferences | Regenerative Conferences | Molecular Biology Conferences
3rd Autoimmunity Conferences November 26-27, 2018 Dublin, Ireland. 4th Glycobiology Conferences September 17-19, 2018 Rome, Italy. 14th Structural Biology Conferences September 24-26, 2018 Berlin, Germany. 12th Advancements in Bioinformatics Conferences, 12th Advancements in Drug Discovery Conferences November 26-27, 2018 Dublin, Ireland. 11th Annual Chemistry Conferences September 12-13, 2018 Singapore. 8th Engineering Conferences September 20-22, 2018. 10th Cellular Immunology Conferences August 6-7, 2018 Madrid, Spain. 11th Immunology Conferences September 13-14, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland. 3rd Autoimmunity Conferences November 26-27, 2018 Dublin, Ireland. 13th Metabolomics Conferences, 13th System Biology Conferences October 11-12, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland.
Related Associations and Societies:
Industry association of synthetic biology (IASB), ERASYNBIO - Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres, European Federation of Biotechnology, Spanish National Center for Biotechnology, European Citizen Science Association, European Society of Human Genetics, British Society for Cell Biology
New association for synthetic biology- Gates Cambridge, Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Society for Biological Engineers (SBE), Queen's Synthetic Biology Organization (QSYNBIO), Synthetic biology Royal Society, The International Society for Systems Biology, Brazilian Association of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Association of Synthetic Biology Brawijaya University, Chinese Society for Cell Biology, Asian Society for Vascular Biology, Industry Association Synthetic Biology – UNOG, African Society for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation
Track 3: Computational Systems Biology
As name Computational Systems Biology reflects conviction that the investigation of biological systems is best drawn nearer by fusing numerous points of view. We unite assorted qualities of controls that supplement each other to disentangle the complexity of biology. The idea incorporates anatomy, physiology, cell and stem cell biology, molecular biology, developmental biology, biochemistry and biophysics. We work with animals, plants and microorganisms and our exploration traverses the levels of the organic chain of command from molecules to ecosystems. Our expansive scope of mastery incorporates: geneticists, paleontologists, physiologists, behaviorists, systematists, morphologists, microbiologists, bioinformatician, evolutionary biologists, ecologists, biophysicists and biotechnologists.
Related Tissue Engineering Conferences | Regenerative medicine Conferences | Stem Cell Conferences
4th Advances in Biotechnology Conferences, 4th Advances in Bioscience Conferences Nov 15-17, 2018 Frankfurt, Germany;10th Stem cell Conferences, 10th Regenerative Medicine Conferences Oct 18-19, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland; 47th Microbiology Conferences September 10-11, 2018 London, UK; 9th Clinical Microbiology Conferences October 08-09, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland; 11th Immunology Conferences, 11th Immunotechnology Conferences September 13-14, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland;12th Allergy, Asthma Conferences, 12th Immunology Conferences October 01-02, 2018 Moscow, Russia.
Related Associations and Societies:
EANA - European Astrobiology Network Association, European Countries Biologists Association – ECBA, European Society of Human Genetics, Society for Leukocyte Biology, Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society, Synthetic Biology Institute at UC Berkeley
ISEE – International Society for Environmental Ethics, International Society for Computational Biology- ISCB, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, CUSBS- Cambridge University Synthetic Biology Society, Synthetic Biology ERC Association, Synthetic Biology Center for Genetics and Society, Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences
Society for Conservation Biology, International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics, Marine Biological Association of India, African Society for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Association of Asian Societies For Bioinformatics
Track 4: Molecular biology
Molecular Biology, field of science worried about concentrate the synthetic structures and procedures of biological phenomena that include the fundamental units of life, molecules. The field covers with different zones of biology and chemistry, especially genetics and biochemistry. Molecular biology mostly worries about understanding the associations between the different systems of a cell, including the interrelationship of DNA, RNA and protein Synthesis and learning how these collaborations are directed.
Related Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Conferences | Synthetic Biology Conferences | Systems Biology Conferences | Tissue Science Conferences
9th Expo on Proteomics Conferences, 9th Molecular Medicine Conferences November 13-15, 2017 Paris, France; Biotechnology Conferences USA 2018;4th Glycobiology World Congress September 17-19, 2018 Rome, Italy; 12th Expo on Molecular Medicine Conferences November 26-28, 2018 Dublin, Ireland. 12th Advancements in Bioinformatics Conferences, 12th Advancements in Drug Discovery Conferences November 26-27, 2018 Dublin, Ireland. 11th Tissue Engineering Conferences, 11th Regenerative Medicine Conferences October 18-20, 2018 Rome, Italy. 9th Clinical Microbiology Conferences October 08-09, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland.
Related Associations and Societies:
SynBio Society - Edinburgh University Students' Association, SBE- Society for Biological Engineering – AIChE, SynBioWatch- Civil Society Perspectives on Synthetic Biology, UK Bio industry Associations;Synthetic Biology Industry Association, UCSF Center for Systems and Synthetic Biology, European association of synthetic biology.
The International Association Synthetic Biology (IASB), Synthetic Biology Engineering Research Center, University of Minnesota Synthetic Biology Society, New York synthetic biology association – GuideStar, The Biomass Systems and Synthetic Biology Center, FAPESP, Brazil; The Canadian Society for Systems Biology.
CU Synthetic Biology Society — Dyson Centre for Engineering Design, Association of Asian Societies For Bioinformatics; Synthetic Biology Australasia (SBA) society, Society for Systems Biology and Translational Research, The Society for Molecular Biology & Evolution, The Society for Molecular Biology & Evolution, Systems Biology , National Brain Tumor Society.
Track 5: Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
Tissue engineering is a branch of regenerative medicine, itself a branch of biomedical engineering. Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine are concerned with the replacement or regeneration of cells, tissues (the focus of tissue engineers) or organs to restore normal biological function
Related Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Conferences | Systems Biology Conferences | Computational Systems Biology Conferences | Synthetic Biotechnology Conferences
4th Glycobiology World Congress September 17-19, 2018 Rome, Italy; 7th Regenerative Medicine Conferences October 18-20, 2018 Barcelona, Spain; 9th Advanced Cell Conferences, 9th Advanced Gene Therapy Conferences March 21-23, 2019 Rome, Italy; 11th Tissue Engineering Conferences, 11th Regenerative Medicine Conferences October 18-20, 2018 Rome, Italy; 4th Advances in Biotechnology Conferences, 4th Advances in Bioscience Conferences Nov 15-17, 2018 Frankfurt, Germany;10th Stem cell Conferences, 10th Regenerative Medicine Conferences Oct 18-19, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland; 47th Microbiology Conferences September 10-11, 2018 London, UK; 9th Clinical Microbiology Conferences October 08-09, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland.
Related Associations and Societies:
Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society, Synthetic Biology Institute at UC Berkeley, EANA - European Astrobiology Network Association, European Countries Biologists Association – ECBA, European Society of Human Genetics, Society for Leukocyte Biology.
CUSBS- Cambridge University Synthetic Biology Society, Synthetic Biology ERC Association, Synthetic Biology Center for Genetics and Society, Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences, ISEE – International Society for Environmental Ethics, International Society for Computational Biology- ISCB, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.
African Society for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Association of Asian Societies For Bioinformatics, Society for Conservation Biology, International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics, Marine Biological Association of India.
Track 6: Industrial Synthetic Biology
Industrial Synthetic Biology in this manner opens the possibility of detaching the intriguing metabolic pathways and increment their efficiency, attracting it closer to Industrial reality. The change to the business is all the more clear as manufactured Synthetic biology comes from a culture and an approach of particular biotechnologies, to a great extent impacted by the universe of engineering. Synthetic biology tends to the following phase of its improvement into two altogether different structures: a modern R&D full of premises with guarantees for organizations – startups or giants.
Related Stem Cell Conferences | Tissue Engineering Conferences | Regenerative medicine Conferences | Biotechnology Conferences
4th Advances in Biotechnology Conferences, 4th Advances in Bioscience Conferences Nov 15-17, 2018 Frankfurt, Germany;10th Stem cell Conferences, 10th Regenerative Medicine Conferences Oct 18-19, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland; 47th Microbiology Conferences September 10-11, 2018 London, UK; 9th Clinical Microbiology Conferences October 08-09, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland; 11th Immunology Conferences, 11th Immunotechnology Conferences September 13-14, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland;12th Allergy, Asthma Conferences, 12th Immunology Conferences October 01-02, 2018 Moscow, Russia.
Related Associations and Societies:
Synthetic Biology Industry Association, UCSF Center for Systems and Synthetic Biology, European association of synthetic biology, SynBio Society - Edinburgh University Students' Association, SBE- Society for Biological Engineering – AIChE, SynBioWatch- Civil Society Perspectives on Synthetic Biology, UK Bio industry Associations.
The Canadian Society for Systems Biology, The International Association Synthetic Biology (IASB), Synthetic Biology Engineering Research Center, University of Minnesota Synthetic Biology Society, New York synthetic biology association – GuideStar, The Biomass Systems and Synthetic Biology Center, FAPESP, Brazil
Synthetic Biology Australasia (SBA) society, Society for Systems Biology and Translational Research, The Society for Molecular Biology & Evolution, The Society for Molecular Biology & Evolution, Systems Biology , National Brain Tumor Society, CU Synthetic Biology Society — Dyson Centre for Engineering Design, Association of Asian Societies For Bioinformatics
Track 7: Genetics & Molecular Biology
Genetics and Molecular Biology, A gene is the essential physical and utilitarian unit of heredity. Genes, which are comprised of DNA, go about as directions to make particles (molecules) called proteins. In people, genes differ in measure from a couple of hundred DNA bases to in excess of 2 million bases. Each individual has two duplicates of every gene, one acquired from each parent. Most genes are the same in all people, however few genes (under 1 percent of the aggregate) are marginally extraordinary between people. Molecular Biology, field of science worried about concentrate the synthetic structures and procedures of biological phenomena that include the fundamental units of life, molecules.
Related Regenerative medicine Conferences | Stem Cell Conferences| Tissue Engineering Conferences | Synthetic Biology Conferences | Genetics Conferences
9th Expo on Proteomics Conferences, 9th Molecular Medicine Conferences November 13-15, 2017 Paris, France; Biotechnology Conferences USA 2018;4th Glycobiology World Congress September 17-19, 2018 Rome, Italy; 12th Expo on Molecular Medicine Conferences November 26-28, 2018 Dublin, Ireland. 12th Advancements in Bioinformatics Conferences, 12th Advancements in Drug Discovery Conferences November 26-27, 2018 Dublin, Ireland. 11th Tissue Engineering Conferences, 11th Regenerative Medicine Conferences October 18-20, 2018 Rome, Italy. 9th Clinical Microbiology Conferences October 08-09, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland.
Related Associations and Societies:
Industry association of synthetic biology (IASB), ERASYNBIO - Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres, European Federation of Biotechnology, Spanish National Center for Biotechnology, European Citizen Science Association, European Society of Human Genetics, British Society for Cell Biology
New association for synthetic biology- Gates Cambridge, Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Society for Biological Engineers (SBE), Queen's Synthetic Biology Organization (QSYNBIO), Synthetic biology Royal Society, The International Society for Systems Biology, Brazilian Association of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Association of Synthetic Biology Brawijaya University, Chinese Society for Cell Biology, Asian Society for Vascular Biology, Industry Association Synthetic Biology – UNOG, African Society for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation
Track 8: Next Generation Sequencing
Next-generation sequencing alludes to non-Sanger-based high-throughput DNA sequencing technologies. Millions or billions of DNA strands can be sequenced in parallel, yielding considerably more throughput and minimizing the requirement for the fragment cloning techniques that are frequently utilized as a part of Sanger sequencing of genomes. DNA sequencing industry is sectioned into instruments and consumables, administrations, and workflow products.
Related Tissue Engineering Conferences | Regenerative medicine Conferences | Stem Cell Conferences | Cell Science Conferences
4th Advances in Biotechnology Conferences, November 15-17, 2018 Frankfurt, Germany; 9th Stem Cell Conferences , 9th Regenerative Medicine Conferences Oct 08-09, 2018 Berlin, Germany; 7th Tissue Engineering Conferences , 7th Regenerative Medicine Conferences October 18-20, 2018 Barcelona, Spain; 9th Advanced Cell Conferences, 9th Advanced Gene Therapy Conferences March 21-23, 2019 Rome, Italy; 11th Tissue Engineering Conferences, 11th Regenerative Medicine Conferences October 18-20, 2018 Rome, Italy; 4th Advances in Biotechnology Conferences, 4th Advances in Bioscience Conferences Nov 15-17, 2018 Frankfurt, Germany;10th Stem cell Conferences, 10th Regenerative Medicine Conferences Oct 18-19, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland; 47th Microbiology Conferences September 10-11, 2018 London, UK; 9th Clinical Microbiology Conferences October 08-09, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland; 11th Immunology Conferences, 11th Immunotechnology Conferences September 13-14, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland;12th Allergy, Asthma Conferences, 12th Immunology Conferences October 01-02, 2018 Moscow, Russia.
Related Associations and Societies:
EANA - European Astrobiology Network Association, European Countries Biologists Association – ECBA, European Society of Human Genetics, Society for Leukocyte Biology, Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society, Synthetic Biology Institute at UC Berkeley
ISEE – International Society for Environmental Ethics, International Society for Computational Biology- ISCB, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, CUSBS- Cambridge University Synthetic Biology Society, Synthetic Biology ERC Association, Synthetic Biology Center for Genetics and Society, Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences
Society for Conservation Biology, International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics, Marine Biological Association of India, African Society for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Association of Asian Societies For Bioinformatics.
Track 9: Cell Science
The Cell Science is the basic and useful unit of every living organisms, and is here and there called the "building block of life." Some life forms, for example, microscopic organisms, are unicellular, comprising of a single cell. The biggest known cell is an ostrich egg. Cells share numerous basic highlights, yet they can look fiercely changed. In fact, cells have adjusted more than billions of years to a wide exhibit of conditions and useful roles. Cells are viewed as the fundamental units of life to some extent since they come in discrete and effortlessly conspicuous bundles. That is on account of all Cells are encompassed by a structure called the Cell membrane.
Related Biology Conferences | Systems Biology Conferences | Tissue Enginnering Conferences | BioEngineering Conferences
9th Expo on Proteomics Conferences, 9th Molecular Medicine Conferences November 13-15, 2017 Paris, France; Biotechnology Conferences USA 2018;4th Glycobiology World Congress September 17-19, 2018 Rome, Italy; 12th Expo on Molecular Medicine Conferences November 26-28, 2018 Dublin, Ireland. 12th Advancements in Bioinformatics Conferences, 12th Advancements in Drug Discovery Conferences November 26-27, 2018 Dublin, Ireland. 11th Tissue Engineering Conferences, 11th Regenerative Medicine Conferences October 18-20, 2018 Rome, Italy. 9th Clinical Microbiology Conferences October 08-09, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland.
Related Associations and Societies:
SynBioWatch- Civil Society Perspectives on Synthetic Biology, UK Bio industry Associations, Synthetic Biology Industry Association, UCSF Center for Systems and Synthetic Biology, European association of synthetic biology, SynBio Society - Edinburgh University Students' Association, SBE- Society for Biological Engineering – AIChE.
University of Minnesota Synthetic Biology Society, New York synthetic biology association – GuideStar, The Biomass Systems and Synthetic Biology Center, FAPESP, Brazil, The Canadian Society for Systems Biology, The International Association Synthetic Biology (IASB), Synthetic Biology Engineering Research Center.
The Society for Molecular Biology & Evolution, Systems Biology , National Brain Tumor Society, CU Synthetic Biology Society — Dyson Centre for Engineering Design, Association of Asian Societies For Bioinformatics, Synthetic Biology Australasia (SBA) society, Society for Systems Biology and Translational Research, The Society for Molecular Biology & Evolution.
Track 10: Novel materials and Biosensors
The Novel materials which are utilized as a part of the present time for the development, building and scientific purposes are called as novel materials. Materials have focal parts in all fields of engineering, they characterize, through structures and devices, our interfaces to the physical and the virtual world. A biosensor is a systematic device which changes over a biological response into an electrical signal. It is an biologically determined material or biomimetic part that interacts, or perceives with the analytic under investigation.
Related Systems Biology Conferences | |Synthetic Biotechnology Conferences | Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Conferences
4th Glycobiology World Congress September 17-19, 2018 Rome, Italy; 7th Regenerative Medicine Conferences October 18-20, 2018 Barcelona, Spain; 9th Advanced Cell Conferences, 9th Advanced Gene Therapy Conferences March 21-23, 2019 Rome, Italy; 11th Tissue Engineering Conferences, 11th Regenerative Medicine Conferences October 18-20, 2018 Rome, Italy; 4th Advances in Biotechnology Conferences, 4th Advances in Bioscience Conferences Nov 15-17, 2018 Frankfurt, Germany;10th Stem cell Conferences, 10th Regenerative Medicine Conferences Oct 18-19, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland; 47th Microbiology Conferences September 10-11, 2018 London, UK; 9th Clinical Microbiology Conferences October 08-09, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland.
Related Associations and Societies:
British Society for Cell Biology, Industry association of synthetic biology (IASB), ERASYNBIO - Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres, European Federation of Biotechnology, Spanish National Center for Biotechnology, European Citizen Science Association, European Society of Human Genetics,
Queen's Synthetic Biology Organization (QSYNBIO), Synthetic biology Royal Society, The International Society for Systems Biology, Brazilian Association of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, New association for synthetic biology- Gates Cambridge, Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Society for Biological Engineers (SBE).
Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Association of Synthetic Biology Brawijaya University, Chinese Society for Cell Biology, Asian Society for Vascular Biology, Industry Association Synthetic Biology – UNOG, African Society for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.
Track 11: Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering
Biotechnology is innovation in light of science - biotechnology bridles cell and biomolecular procedures to create advancements and products that assistance enhance our lives and health of our planet. Biotechnology is the wide territory of science including living systems and organisms to create or make products. Bioprocess Engineering manages the strategies used to prepare biological materials for business utilize. It is a specialization of chemical engineering or Biological engineering, It additionally manages considering different biotechnological forms utilized as a part of industries for extensive scale generation of biological product for streamlining of yield in the end product.
Related Biotechnology Conferences |Tissue Engineering Conferences| Cell Biology Conferences | Regenerative medicine Conferences
4th Glycobiology World Congress September 17-19, 2018 Rome, Italy; 7th Regenerative Medicine Conferences October 18-20, 2018 Barcelona, Spain; 9th Advanced Cell Conferences, 9th Advanced Gene Therapy Conferences March 21-23, 2019 Rome, Italy; 11th Tissue Engineering Conferences, 11th Regenerative Medicine Conferences October 18-20, 2018 Rome, Italy; 4th Advances in Biotechnology Conferences, 4th Advances in Bioscience Conferences Nov 15-17, 2018 Frankfurt, Germany;10th Stem cell Conferences, 10th Regenerative Medicine Conferences Oct 18-19, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland; 47th Microbiology Conferences September 10-11, 2018 London, UK; 9th Clinical Microbiology Conferences October 08-09, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland.
Related Associations and Societies:
Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society, Synthetic Biology Institute at UC Berkeley, EANA - European Astrobiology Network Association, European Countries Biologists Association – ECBA, European Society of Human Genetics, Society for Leukocyte Biology.
Synthetic Biology Center for Genetics and Society, Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences, ISEE – International Society for Environmental Ethics, International Society for Computational Biology- ISCB, CUSBS- Cambridge University Synthetic Biology Society, Synthetic Biology ERC Association, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
Society for Conservation Biology, Marine Biological Association of India, African Society for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Association of Asian Societies For Bioinformatics, International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics
Track 12 : Genome Design and Next-generation genomic technologies
Gene Designer is a computer programming bundle for bioinformatics. A genome is all the genetic data of an organism. Gene Designer empowers molecular biologistics to deal with the full gene design process in one application, utilizing a scope of gene design tools.
Related Synthetic Biology Conferences| Tissue Engineering Conferences | Synthetic Genomics Conferences| Synthetic Chemistry Conferences
4th Advances in Biotechnology Conferences, November 15-17, 2018 Frankfurt, Germany; 9th Stem Cell Conferences , 9th Regenerative Medicine Conferences Oct 08-09, 2018 Berlin, Germany; 7th Tissue Engineering Conferences , 7th Regenerative Medicine Conferences October 18-20, 2018 Barcelona, Spain; 9th Advanced Cell Conferences, 9th Advanced Gene Therapy Conferences March 21-23, 2019 Rome, Italy; 11th Tissue Engineering Conferences, 11th Regenerative Medicine Conferences October 18-20, 2018 Rome, Italy; 4th Advances in Biotechnology Conferences, 4th Advances in Bioscience Conferences Nov 15-17, 2018 Frankfurt, Germany;10th Stem cell Conferences, 10th Regenerative Medicine Conferences Oct 18-19, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland; 47th Microbiology Conferences September 10-11, 2018 London, UK; 9th Clinical Microbiology Conferences October 08-09, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland; 11th Immunology Conferences, 11th Immunotechnology Conferences September 13-14, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland;12th Allergy, Asthma Conferences, 12th Immunology Conferences October 01-02, 2018 Moscow, Russia.
Related Associations and Societies:
UK Bio industry Associations, Synthetic Biology Industry Association, UCSF Center for Systems and Synthetic Biology, European association of synthetic biology, SynBio Society - Edinburgh University Students' Association, SBE- Society for Biological Engineering – AIChE, SynBioWatch- Civil Society Perspectives on Synthetic Biology.
University of Minnesota Synthetic Biology Society, New York synthetic biology association – GuideStar, The Biomass Systems and Synthetic Biology Center, FAPESP, Brazil, The Canadian Society for Systems Biology, The International Association Synthetic Biology (IASB), Synthetic Biology Engineering Research Center.
Society for Systems Biology and Translational Research, The Society for Molecular Biology & Evolution, The Society for Molecular Biology & Evolution, Systems Biology , National Brain Tumor Society, CU Synthetic Biology Society — Dyson Centre for Engineering Design, Association of Asian Societies For Bioinformatics, Synthetic Biology Australasia (SBA) society.
Track 13: Angiogenesis & Vascularization
Angiogenesis is the physiological process through which new blood vessels form from pre-existing vessels. In precise usage this is distinct from vasculogenesis, which is the de novo formation of endothelial cells from mesoderm cell precursors, and from neovascularization, although discussions are not always precise. The first vessels in the developing embryo form through vasculogenesis, after which angiogenesis is responsible for most, if not all, blood vessel growth during development and in disease.
Related Regenerative medicine Conferences| Cell Biology Conferences | Tissue Engineering Conferences | Evolutionary Biology Conferences
4th Glycobiology World Congress September 17-19, 2018 Rome, Italy; 7th Regenerative Medicine Conferences October 18-20, 2018 Barcelona, Spain; 9th Advanced Cell Conferences, 9th Advanced Gene Therapy Conferences March 21-23, 2019 Rome, Italy; 11th Tissue Engineering Conferences, 11th Regenerative Medicine Conferences October 18-20, 2018 Rome, Italy; 4th Advances in Biotechnology Conferences, 4th Advances in Bioscience Conferences Nov 15-17, 2018 Frankfurt, Germany;10th Stem cell Conferences, 10th Regenerative Medicine Conferences Oct 18-19, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland; 47th Microbiology Conferences September 10-11, 2018 London, UK; 9th Clinical Microbiology Conferences October 08-09, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland.
Related Associations and Societies:
Industry association of synthetic biology (IASB), ERASYNBIO - Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres, European Federation of Biotechnology, Spanish National Center for Biotechnology, European Citizen Science Association, European Society of Human Genetics, British Society for Cell Biology
New association for synthetic biology- Gates Cambridge, Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Society for Biological Engineers (SBE), Queen's Synthetic Biology Organization (QSYNBIO), Synthetic biology Royal Society, The International Society for Systems Biology, Brazilian Association of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Association of Synthetic Biology Brawijaya University, Chinese Society for Cell Biology, Asian Society for Vascular Biology, Industry Association Synthetic Biology – UNOG, African Society for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation
Track 14: Cell Biology & Biophysics
Biophysics is branch that applies the principles of physics and chemistry and the methods of mathematical analysis and computer modeling to understand how biological systems work. It seeks to explain biological function in terms of the molecular structures and properties of specific molecules. An important area of biophysical study is the detailed analysis of the structure of molecules in living systems. The recent research areas are biophysical approaches to cell biology, cellular movement and cell motility, computational and theoretical biophysics, molecular structure and behavior of lipids, proteins and nucleic acids, molecular structure & behavior of membrane proteins, role of biophysical techniques in analysis and prediction, biophysical mechanisms to explain specific biological processes and Nano biophysics.
Related Tissue Engineering Conferences | Regenerative medicine Conferences | Computational Biology Conferences | Cell Science Conferences
9th Expo on Proteomics Conferences, 9th Molecular Medicine Conferences November 13-15, 2017 Paris, France; Biotechnology Conferences USA 2018;4th Glycobiology World Congress September 17-19, 2018 Rome, Italy; 12th Expo on Molecular Medicine Conferences November 26-28, 2018 Dublin, Ireland. 12th Advancements in Bioinformatics Conferences, 12th Advancements in Drug Discovery Conferences November 26-27, 2018 Dublin, Ireland. 11th Tissue Engineering Conferences, 11th Regenerative Medicine Conferences October 18-20, 2018 Rome, Italy. 9th Clinical Microbiology Conferences October 08-09, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland.
Related Associations and Societies:
EANA - European Astrobiology Network Association, European Countries Biologists Association – ECBA, European Society of Human Genetics, Society for Leukocyte Biology, Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society, Synthetic Biology Institute at UC Berkeley
ISEE – International Society for Environmental Ethics, International Society for Computational Biology- ISCB, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, CUSBS- Cambridge University Synthetic Biology Society, Synthetic Biology ERC Association, Synthetic Biology Center for Genetics and Society, Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences
Society for Conservation Biology, International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics, Marine Biological Association of India, African Society for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Association of Asian Societies For Bioinformatics.
Track 15: Evolutionary Biology
Evolutionary Biology is both central and binding together for all of biology. The Evolutionary Biology region of focus gives the essential core information to starting graduate investigations in developmental nature, developmental formative biology, Evolutionary biology is a sub discipline of the biological sciences worried about the inception of life and the broadening and adjustment of life shapes after some time
Related Systems biology Conferences |Tissue Engineering Conferences| Regenerative medicine Conferences.
4th Advances in Biotechnology Conferences, November 15-17, 2018 Frankfurt, Germany; 9th Stem Cell Conferences , 9th Regenerative Medicine Conferences Oct 08-09, 2018 Berlin, Germany; 7th Tissue Engineering Conferences , 7th Regenerative Medicine Conferences October 18-20, 2018 Barcelona, Spain; 9th Advanced Cell Conferences, 9th Advanced Gene Therapy Conferences March 21-23, 2019 Rome, Italy; 11th Tissue Engineering Conferences, 11th Regenerative Medicine Conferences October 18-20, 2018 Rome, Italy; 4th Advances in Biotechnology Conferences, 4th Advances in Bioscience Conferences Nov 15-17, 2018 Frankfurt, Germany;10th Stem cell Conferences, 10th Regenerative Medicine Conferences Oct 18-19, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland; 47th Microbiology Conferences September 10-11, 2018 London, UK; 9th Clinical Microbiology Conferences October 08-09, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland; 11th Immunology Conferences, 11th Immunotechnology Conferences September 13-14, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland;12th Allergy, Asthma Conferences, 12th Immunology Conferences October 01-02, 2018 Moscow, Russia.
Related Associations and Societies:
Synthetic Biology Industry Association, UCSF Center for Systems and Synthetic Biology, European association of synthetic biology, SynBio Society - Edinburgh University Students' Association, SBE- Society for Biological Engineering – AIChE, SynBioWatch- Civil Society Perspectives on Synthetic Biology, UK Bio industry Associations.
The Canadian Society for Systems Biology, The International Association Synthetic Biology (IASB), Synthetic Biology Engineering Research Center, University of Minnesota Synthetic Biology Society, New York synthetic biology association – GuideStar, The Biomass Systems and Synthetic Biology Center, FAPESP, Brazil
Synthetic Biology Australasia (SBA) society, Society for Systems Biology and Translational Research, The Society for Molecular Biology & Evolution, The Society for Molecular Biology & Evolution, Systems Biology ,National Brain Tumor Society, CU Synthetic Biology Society — Dyson Centre for Engineering Design, Association of Asian Societies For Bioinformatics
Track 16: Synthetic Biology Trends in Oncology
Synthetic Biology is a moderately new field with the key point of designing and constructing biological systems with novel functionalities. Today, synthetic biology devices are making their initial phases in contributing new solutions for various biomedical difficulties, for example, developing bacterial anti-microbial obstruction and cancer therapy. Synthetic Biology is a developing field focusing on engineering genetic devices and bimolecular systems for an assortment of utilizations from basic biology to biotechnology and medicine. The advances in synthetic biology in the field of genomics and the chemical synthesis of DNA in the previous decade, researchers are now able to engineer genetic devices and circuits for cancer research and mediation, which offer promising remedial methodologies for cancer treatment. Synthetic biologists presently extend this approach by conferring therapeutic functions to no immune cells and by programming cells to detect and react to another class of physiological prompts.
Related Synthetic Biology Conferences | Biotechnology Conferences | Molecular Biology Conferences | Bioengineering Conferences
4th Glycobiology World Congress September 17-19, 2018 Rome, Italy; 7th Regenerative Medicine Conferences October 18-20, 2018 Barcelona, Spain; 9th Advanced Cell Conferences, 9th Advanced Gene Therapy Conferences March 21-23, 2019 Rome, Italy; 11th Tissue Engineering Conferences, 11th Regenerative Medicine Conferences October 18-20, 2018 Rome, Italy; 4th Advances in Biotechnology Conferences, 4th Advances in Bioscience Conferences Nov 15-17, 2018 Frankfurt, Germany;10th Stem cell Conferences, 10th Regenerative Medicine Conferences Oct 18-19, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland; 47th Microbiology Conferences September 10-11, 2018 London, UK; 9th Clinical Microbiology Conferences October 08-09, 2018 Zurich, Switzerland.
Related Associations and Societies:
Spanish National Center for Biotechnology, European Citizen Science Association, European Society of Human Genetics, British Society for Cell Biology, Industry association of synthetic biology (IASB), ERASYNBIO - Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres, European Federation of Biotechnology.
Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Society for Biological Engineers (SBE), Queen's Synthetic Biology Organization (QSYNBIO), Synthetic biology Royal Society, The International Society for Systems Biology, Brazilian Association of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, New association for synthetic biology- Gates Cambridge.
Association of Synthetic Biology Brawijaya University, Chinese Society for Cell Biology, Asian Society for Vascular Biology, Industry Association Synthetic Biology – UNOG, Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, African Society for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.
Market Analysis
About Synthetic Biology and Tissue Engineeering 2018
The Term "Synthetic Tissue biology" to describe the use of engineered tissues to form biological systems with metazoan-like complexity. The increasing maturity of tissue engineering is beginning to render this goal attainable. As in other synthetic biology approaches, the perspective is bottom-up; here, the premise is that complex functional phenotypes (on par with those in whole metazoan organisms) can be affected by engineering biology at the tissue level. To be successful, current efforts to understand and engineer multicellular systems must continue, and new efforts to integrate different tissues into a coherent structure will need to emerge. The fruits of this research may include improved understanding of how tissue systems can be integrated, as well as useful biomedical technologies not traditionally considered in tissue engineering, such as autonomous devices, sensors, and manufacturing.
"Synthetic biology is an emerging area of research that can broadly be described as the design and construction of novel artificial biological pathways, organisms or devices, or the redesign of existing natural biological systems."
The demand for synthetic biology and Tissue Engineering is likely to increase owing to the increasing R&D expenditure in pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, growing demand for synthetic genes, rising production of genetically modified crops, and incessantly rising funding in the field of synthetic biology. Furthermore, rising concerns over fuel consumption and increasing demand for protein therapeutics are likely to create opportunities for the synthetic biology market. However, standardization and integration of biological parts at system-level still remains a challenge for the market. Synthetic Biology mainly focusses on the Universities, Institutes and major Societies along with the latest trends in the market of Synthetic Biology and Tissue Engineering.
We are delighted to invite you all to attend and register for the “4th International Conference on Synthetic Biology and Tissue Engineering ("Synthetic Biology 2018)” which is going to be held during June 11-12, 2018 Rome, Italy.
The organizing committee is gearing up for an exciting and informative conference program including plenary lectures, symposia on a variety of topics, poster presentations and various programs for participants from all over the world. We invite you to join us at the Synthetic Biology 2018, where you will be sure to have a meaningful experience with scholars from around the world. All members of the Synthetic Biology and Tissue Engineering 2018 organizing committee look forward to meeting you in Italy.
For more details please visit-
Importance & Scope:
Tissue engineering is aimed mainly at producing anatomically and physiologically realistic replacements for normal human tissues. It is done either by encouraging cellular colonization of manufactured matrices or cellular recolonization of decellularized natural extracellular matrices from donor organs, or by allowing cells to self-organize into organs as they do during fetal life. For repair of normal bodies, this will be adequate but there are reasons for making unusual, non-evolved tissues (repair of unusual bodies, interface to electromechanical prostheses, and incorporating living cells into life-support machines).
Synthetic biology is aimed mainly at engineering cells so that they can perform custom functions: applying synthetic biological approaches to tissue engineering may be one way of engineering custom structures. The embryological cycle of patterning, differentiation and morphogenesis and review progress that has been made in constructing synthetic biological systems to reproduce these processes in new ways. The state-of-the-art remains a long way from making truly synthetic tissues, but there are now at least foundations for future work. Scientifically, the success of these endeavors is the ultimate proof that we know enough about cellular signaling pathways to harness them for our purposes. From a practical standpoint, targeted r egulation of cell signaling paves the way to real cures of many disorders, genetic and acquired, where before we could only manage the symptoms using small molecules.
Why Italy?
Italy is a nation in Southern Europe. Together with Greece, it is recognized as the origin of Western culture. Of course, it is additionally home to the best number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites on the planet. High workmanship and landmarks are to be discovered wherever around the country.It is likewise celebrated worldwide for its heavenly cooking, its in vogue form industry, extravagance sports autos and bikes, differing territorial societies and vernaculars, and in addition for its excellent drift, snow capped lakes and mountain runs (the Alps and Apennines).
Italy is, generally, a landmass arranged on the Mediterranean Sea, flanking France, Switzerland, Austria, and Slovenia in the north. Italy, which is boot-formed, is encompassed by the Ligurian and the Tyrrhenian Seas toward the west, the Mediterranean and Ionian Seas toward the South, and the Adriatic Sea toward the East.Italian is the official dialect talked by most of the populace, however as you go all through the nation you will find that there are a few unmistakable Italian vernaculars relying upon the area you're in. French is talked in the northwest and German in the upper east. Italy has an extremely differing scene, yet can be principally portrayed as uneven, including the Alps and the Apennines mountain runs that gone through by far most of it.
Synthetic Biology is a novel field that finds its origin at the intersection of biology and engineering. It involves designing and construction of biological systems or devices that can be applied in varied domains to get specified results. It’s a multidisciplinary effort made by scientists to understand the functioning of biological organisms, cells & genes and implementation of artificial genetic processes to give specific characteristics to an organism. It can even be used to develop a completely new biological system. Global systems and synthetic Biology market was valued at $3.0 billion in 2013 and it is estimated to reach $38.7 billion by 2020, growing at a CAGR of 44.2% during the forecast period
Conference Highlights:
- Systems Biology
- Synthetic Biology
- Computational Systems Biology
- Molecular biology
- Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
- Industrial Synthetic Biology
- Genetics & Molecular Biology
- Next Generation Sequencing
- Cell Science
- Novel materials and Biosensors
- Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering
- Genome Design and Next-generation genomic technologies
- Angiogenesis & Vascularization
- Cell Biology & Biophysics
- Evolutionary Biology
- Synthetic Biology Trends in Oncology
Why to attend???
Meet the eminent researchers working in the allied areas of Synthetic Biology and Tissue Engineering . This conference will be the best platform to explore your research work and innovations in the respective areas. This conference is focusing on all the major fields of Synthetic Biology and Tissue Engineering.
With members from around the world focused on learning about synthetic biology and Tissue Engineering, this is your single best opportunity to reach the largest assemblage of participants from various communities. Conduct demonstrations, distribute information, meet with current and potential speakers and receive name recognition at this 2-day event. World-renowned speakers, the most recent techniques, tactics, and the newest updates in synthetic biology and Tissue Engineering fields are hallmarks of this conference.
Major Synthetic Biology Associations around the Globe
The International Association Synthetic Biology (IASB)
Synthetic Biology Organization
Industry Association of Synthetic Biology (IASB)
The Helmholtz Association, Germany
Association of Synthetic Biology Brawijaya University
Society for Biological Engineers (SBE)
ISEE – International Society for Environmental Ethics
MIT Synthetic Biology Center
American Chemical Society
Biotechnology industrial organization
International Council for the Life Sciences
Synthetic Biology Engineering Research Center
University of Minnesota Synthetic Biology Society
Queen's Synthetic Biology Organization (QSYNBIO)
Synthetic Biology Industry Association
New York synthetic biology association – GuideStar
Target Audience:
Academicians, Scientists & Business delegates, Experts, Departmental Managers, Vice Presidents/Directors & Brand Manufacturers/ Marketers of Consumer Products. Solution Providers (digital and mobile technology), Professors and Students from Academia in the study of Synthetic Biology & Technology.
Target Audience:
Academia 60%
Industry 30%
Others 10%
Glance at Market of Advertising and Marketing:
This report studies the global synthetic biology market for the forecast period of 2013 to 2018. This market is expected to reach $5,630.4 million by 2018 from $1,923.1 million in 2013, growing at a CAGR of 24% during the forecast period.
The global synthetic biology market is segmented on the basis of tools, technologies, applications, and geographies.
On the basis of tools, the synthetic biology market is categorized into Xeno-nucleic acids, chassis organisms, oligonucleotides, enzymes, and cloning and assembly kits. The oligonucleotides segment accounted for a major share of the synthetic biology market, by tool, in 2013.
On the basis of technologies, the synthetic biology market is segmented into enabled and enabling technologies. Enabling technologies accounted for a major share of the synthetic biology market in 2013. On the basis of applications, the synthetic biology market is segmented into environmental, medical, and industrial applications. The medical applications segment accounted for a major share of the synthetic biology market in 2013.
Past Conference Report
Systems and Synthetic Biology 2017
Systems and Synthetic Biology 2017 Report:
Systems and Synthetic Biology -2017 has received a benevolent response from all over the world. This has been conducted with the aim and the categorical intent of promoting the developments of new perceptions and ideas for exploring the high level of knowledge reached by scientific community. The extremely illustrious conference hosted by Conference Series LLC was marked with the attendance of young and brilliant researchers, business delegates and talented student communities representing more than 25 countries around the world.
The conference aimed a parallel rail with theme “Systems and Synthetic Biology- Meeting the Needs of a Changing World”. The meeting engrossed a vicinity of cognizant discussions on novel subjects like:
Mammalian Synthetic Biology
Cellular Systems Biology
Industrial Systems and Synthetic Biology
Gene synthesis
Synthetic Genomics
Synthetic Gene Network
Synthetic Biology Business
Bio-Sensors and Bio-Electronics
Next Generation Sequencing
Computational Systems Biology
Pharmaceutical Biology
The two days event implanted a firm relation of upcoming strategies in the field of Systems and Synthetic Biology with the scientific community. The conceptual and applicable knowledge shared, will also foster organizational collaborations to nurture scientific accelerations.
The Organizing Committee would like to thank the moderator Dr. Betty Lee, United States Department of Commerce, USA for her contribution which resulted in smooth functioning of the conference.
We are thankful to our Honourable guests for their generous support and suggestions.
- Albert Jeltsch, University Stuttgart, Germany
- Davide De Lucrezia, Explora Biotech Srl, Italy
- Yaman Arkun, KOC University, Turkey
- Martin Falk, Institute of Biophysics of CAS, Czech Republic
A special session was organized by Guido Cimoli (Tecan Group Ltd, Germany) his lecture on “Automation and Synthetic Biology simplifying complexity and Malathi Raman (Takara Bio Europe, France) her lecture on “Next-gen cloning and purification technologies to rapidly generate synthetic genes and proteins
The conference witnessed an amalgamation of peerless speakers, who enlightened the crowd with their enviable research knowledge and on various alluring topics related to the field of Systems and Synthetic Biology-2017. The highlights of the conference were the keynote forum by prominent scientists, of which the following topics were highlighted:
- Exploring unique compounds from lignin degradation using MnSOD and DyP-type peroxidase enzymes: Sharon Mendel Williams, Coventry University, UK
- Relationship between chromatin structure and chromosomal rearrangements in myelodysplastic syndromes: Iva Falková, Institute of Biophysics, Czech Republic
- Escherichia coli HGT – A novel high glucose throughput chassis especially designed for typical production conditions in large scale based on comprehensive systems biology studies: Ralf Takors, University Stuttgart, Germany
- A robust PCA algorithm for metagenomic biomarker detection: Erchin Serpedin, Texas A&M University, USA
These are some of the few speakers who gave their fruitful contributions in the form of highly informative presentations and made the conference a top notch one.
Various sessions were chaired by: Yaman Arkun, KOC University, Turkey; Maria A Ragusa, University of Palermo, Italy; Albert Jeltsch, University Stuttgart, Germany; Martin Falk, Institute of Biophysics of CAS, Czech Republic.
We congratulate Lenka Dohnalová from University of Chemical Technology, Czech Republic and Qiang Yan from Virginia Commonwealth University, USA for winning the Young Research Forum award.
Conference Series LLC has taken the privilege of felicitating Systems and Synthetic Biology-2017 Organizing Committee, Editorial Board Members and Keynote Speakers who supported for the success of this conference.
The esteemed guests, keynote speakers and researchers shared their innovative research and vast experience through their informative presentations at the podium of Systems and Synthetic Biology. We are glad to inform that all accepted abstracts for the conference have been published in Journal of Current Synthetic and System Biology-Open Access as a special issue.
Conference Series LLC offers its heartfelt appreciation to the exhibitors Explora Biotech Srl, Takara Bio Europe and Tecan Group Ltd who supported the conference in every aspect for the awe-inspiring exhibition at the venue. We also express our sincere thanks to all the media partners for the promotion of our event to glory.
We are also obliged to various experts, company representatives and other eminent scientists who supported the conference by facilitating the discussion forums. We sincerely thank the Organizing Committee Members for their gracious presence, support and assistance. With the unique feedback from the conference, Conference Series LLC would like to proudly announce the commencement of the "4th International Conference on Synthetic Biology and Tissue Engineering" to be organized during June 11-12, 2018 at Rome, Italy.
Mark your calendars for the upcoming extravaganza; we are hoping to see you soon!
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Past Reports Gallery
To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World
Conference Date October 18-19, 2018
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All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.
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